March 9, 2024 - Invitations

Jackson Michigan Cor

March 9, 2024 - Fraternity - Invitations


The acronym INTIVE stands for Introduce, Name, Values, Interests, Tribes, and End, and it guides the steps for engaging in meaningful conversation. Start by introducing yourself with confidence—share your name, shake hands, and maintain eye contact. Next, learn and remember the other person’s name, using it throughout the interaction. Delve into their values to understand what they look up to and cherish. Explore their interests by asking about their hobbies and passions. Identify the tribes or groups they associate with, which gives insight into their social connections. Finally, bring the conversation to a close, perhaps with an invitation or expressing the hope to meet again.


Time & Location

First 3 Saturdays of Every Month
7-8am | Doors Open @ 6:30am
St. Mary Star Hall - 120 E. Wesley St. Jackson MI